In the logo, it is written: Education and Leadership for Development. Education imbued with effective and efficient leadership practices becomes Light for Development to occur. What will be the use and meaning of education if it cannot contribute to social coherence, personal development, community development, nation building and the development of the world over in order to ensure that the current generation can sustain itself without compromising the sustaining potential or ability of the future generations


Liberian Education

Leaders for the Future 




Dr. Samuel N. Duo is a result driven leadership development specialist with over 24 years of teaching experience at the University of Liberia.  In June 2022 he was appointed as Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professor of Agricultural and Extension Education of Nimba University. 

UPSSS Mission Statement


The University Primary and Secondary School System will prepare university-ready high school graduates for lifelong and transformative learning that will positively contribute to the development of Liberia.  

Education for Liberia   

University Primary and Secondary School System 

UPSSS Vision

Solid Educational Foundation as a basis for Transformational Leadership and Excellent Professional Competency for Nation Building